About Faith Outreach Church International

Charles & Fay Rogers
Go ye into all the world...
sharing the Gospel online, and in person!
We are an online church and a ministry with an emphasis on world evangelism and missions. Faith Outreach Church International is also known as Charles Rogers Ministries and Evangelism In Action. We are a 501 (c) (3) organization, partnering with you to fulfill the great commission.
Our Beliefs
These Things We Believe...
The Bible as the infallible Word of God
The Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ as Head of the Church
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues
The Charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit
Fivefold ministry of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers
Reaching: Winning the lost (making disciples in all nations)
Healing the sick
Feeding the hungry and clothing the poor
Water baptism by immersion
Teaching: Teaching new converts what Jesus taught HIs earthly Disciples
Training: Hands on apprenticeships in live ministry


Founder / Pastor
Missionary Evangelist
Dr. Charles R. Rogers
Founder, Dr. Charles Rogers was called to the ministry on February 25, 1958. He is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister with a Spirit-filled ministry. He has pastored churches in Texas, evangelized throughout the U.S and has successfully conducted missionary outreaches to 72 other nations of the world, winning thousands to Christ.
During his sixty two years of ministry, God has set his path along a course which has become a great adventure of Faith. God has used him to increase the Kingdom of God, share the love of Jesus, and impact others through the gifts of the Holy Spirit recorded in the books of Acts and the Apostle Paul's writings to the Corinthians.
With a passion to impart the uncompromised Word of God, he remains focused on helping the body of Christ live victoriously, even in troubled times, Since 1973, God gave him an assignment for the people of the continent of Africa. Dr. Rogers has been priviledged to help establish indigious churches. clinics , K-12 schools (Faith Christian Schools) and Faith Theological Seminary with 6 campuses. Additionally, he has trained and consecrated over 3000 African ministers into the original Gospel of Jesus Christ. and continues to inspire leaders of developing nations to impact their nations for Christ.
His beautiful wife of 60 years, Fay, served along side him, until she was promoted to Heaven in 2014. His family, continues the legacy of serving in ministry with him, as he continues to carry out the great commission. Dr. Rogers has authored several books, Handbook for Victorious Life, Joy, How to Develop Christian Love, The Beautiful Body of Christ, and Tithe and Grow Rich.
He also serves as Chairman of The Board for Star University (an online Christian University) and serves as their Executive Director for the Center for Global Ministries and World Missions.
Click here to learn more about Star University,